Seehornsee in the Naturepark Weißbach
Wild Swimming Spot
Arrival & Location
From Pürzlbach or Waltlmühlsäge you hike in approx. 1.5 hours to the Kallbrunnalm, from where the ascent to the Seehorn (1,779 m) begins. You will reach the Seehornsee about halfway up and halfway down.
Parking lot: Pürzlbach or Waltlmühlsäge on Hirschbichl-Straße (both subject to charges)
Bus stop: Almerlebnisbus bus stop Waltlmühlsäge
What to expect
Refreshing mountain lake at approx. 1,400 m above sea level for swimming or just cooling off your legs.
Suitable for…
Tough and sure-footed hikers
Insider Tip
Lies in the cool shade in the morning, but in the afternoon you can work on your mountain tan